Section: New Results

Analytic Combinatorics and Lazy Filtering

Participants : Jérémie du Boisberranger, Danièle Gardy, Xavier Lorca, Charlotte Truchet.

The ANR Boole project (2009-2013) aims at quantifying different formats of boolean formulas, including SAT of constraints. Within the project, we have started a collaboration with Danièle Gardy , UVSQ , expert in analytic combinatorics and average-case study of algorithms. The goal of the collaboration was to quantify, within a high level probabilistic model, how often the bound-consistency propagator of an alldifferent constraint is likely to do something (or nothing). During year 2012, a particular focus has been put on calculating the probabilistic indicator, with an accepted publication at Analco 2013 (to appear). Further research include implementing and testing different possible uses for this indicator. A post-doc, Vincent Armant, has been recruited on the Boole project for this.

The corresponding paper When is it worthwhile to propagate a constraint? A probabilistic analysis of alldifferent [29] was accepted for publication at the ANALCO 13th Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (Analco 2013 ).